The 4 Staples of Solar Film

Solar Film • May 02, 2019

Window film is a very versatile product. From school safety to improving energy efficiency, it provides solutions for a wide variety of applications. Many of the most common reasons why homeowners and business owners reach out to us are solar-related issues. These issues include sweltering temperatures, UV fading, and irritating glare.  This blog article highlights four applications where you’ll see the most impact from installing solar film.

Best Applications for Solar FilmSunrooms

It comes as no surprise that sunrooms are perfect candidates for solar film. Most sunrooms have windows facing multiple directions, which allows heat and light into your space at all hours of the day. The more windows you have, the greater impact solar film will have on your comfort and energy savings.


Storefront windows let brilliant natural light into your space to illuminate your products or restaurant atmosphere, but they are also a huge source of heat gain and glare. Installing window film to your storefront helps reject heat and filter sunlight to reduce bothersome glare.

South-Facing Windows

People often hold the misconception that east and west-facing windows let in the most heat because of where the sun rises and sets. However, south-facing windows transmit the majority of heat and light into your space over the course of the year. When prioritizing which windows you want tinted, south-facing windows are your best investments.

Single Pane Glass

Many older homes and buildings were built with single pane glass windows. Unfortunately, single pane glass allows more heat transmission than its double and triple pane counterparts. Replacing your windows altogether is a costly expenditure. Not to mention it’s highly disruptive to a home or building’s occupants. Solar window film provides a cost-effective alternative to window replacement. Tinted single pane glass performs on par with double pane glass in terms of energy efficiency but at a fraction of the cost, and our expert installers at Solar Film can perform the installation with minimal disruption to your family, employees, or customers.

So there you have it! The four S taples of S olar film: S unrooms, S torefronts, S outh-facing windows, and S ingle pane glass. Are you having sun-related issues in any of these four areas? Don’t wait until the summer’s sweltering heat strikes; invest in solar film for your home or business today!

Locally owned and operated in Richmond, Virginia for over 35 years, Solar Film provides custom window tinting services to homes and businesses in central Virginia, Williamsburg, and the Northern Neck. We use premium quality 3M™ materials for temperature control, glare reduction, UV protection, privacy, and security window film solutions. As a 3M™Authorized Dealer and member of the Prestige Dealer Network, we offer many varieties of window film. Get in touch with us today for a free quote!

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