Enhance Your Glass Storefront with Window Film
Enhance Your Glass Storefront with Window Film Solar Film • Oct 28, 2021 Whether you own or manage a restaurant, retail establishment, office, or other
It’s that time of year again. You shift around your living room furniture to make room for the Christmas tree and are reminded of how much your beautiful walnut floors have faded. How many years ago did you refinish them? Six? “No,” answers your spouse. “That was two years ago.” Only two years have passed, and you can already see a distinct rectangle where your rug lies. If only you could extend the life of your floors so you wouldn’t have to shell out several grand every few years to maintain their color and shine — but wait! It’s a Christmas miracle! Now you can with UV protection window film.
While it’s no secret that the sun is responsible for fading, it turns out that there’s more to the story. Not all sun rays drastically fade your belongings. It’s specifically UV rays that cause materials to lose color, inducing about 40% of all fading. UV rays initiate a chemical change in the pigment of materials, leading to discoloration.
In recent years, initiatives to make fabric dyes, paint, and wood stains less toxic for the environment have also decreased the chemical stability of these products. With less chemical stability, the materials on which these pigments are applied are more susceptible to fading. It’s certainly inconvenient, but if that’s what it takes to keep the North Pole from melting from global warming, that’s a sacrifice we’ll have to make.
Solar Film installs high quality 3M window film that prevents the fading of floors, fabrics, artwork — basically anything with color! These sun control films filter the sun’s spectrum of light to reject up to 99.9% of UV rays while still allowing brilliant natural light into your space. Sound too good to be true? These same films also filter out infrared rays to help regulate interior temperatures.
So when the holiday season rolls around and you rearrange your rugs and furniture to make room for the tree, don’t let your faded floors turn you into the Grinch. Just write Santa — or Solar Film — a nice letter asking for UV protection window film because you’ve been good this year!
Enhance Your Glass Storefront with Window Film Solar Film • Oct 28, 2021 Whether you own or manage a restaurant, retail establishment, office, or other
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