While window film is commonly used to block UV rays and minimize solar heat gain, some window films have different purposes and therefore perform differently. Take a look and see the differences in the performance of some of the following popular window films:
In order to improve security, Safety and Security Window Film is specifically designed to stretch rather than tear. As a result, rather than the glass of a window simply shattering on impact, safety and security film works to hold the glass in place. This allows for extra time to react in the event of an emergency, deters intruders from gaining entry, and can minimize the damage and harm associated with flying shards of glass.
According to the Department of Energy, 30% of all energy used to heat and cool homes escapes through the window. On a hot summer day, you might experience bothersome hot spots from the sun beating down into your space. On the other hand, on a cool winter day, your space might have difficulty retaining heat due to poorly insulated windows.
With 3M Thinsulate Insulating Window Film, you can achieve comfortable temperatures year-round. By improving insulation and retaining heat indoors in the winter, and reflecting the sun’s heat in the summer, 3M Thinsulate Insulating Window Film allows for increased comfort and lower energy bills year round.